Canada/US Walleye Tournament
May 28 | Bobcaygeon, Sturgeon Lake
Richard Jenkins & Darryl Sawyer
Jim Harris & Steve King
Michael Quesnelle & Janet Quesnelle
Randy Robinson & Larry McDonald
Sean Palmer & Scott Primo
Mitch Klatt & Jason Chapman
Woody Griffith & Tim MacRae
Andrus Kung & Evan Kung
John MacDonald & Rick Bain
Dave Gibbs & Quinton Trodd
Wayne Woodland & Steve Scowcroft
Paul Richards & Ray Moulsdale
Bill Nicholls & TBA
Steve Chiasson & Barry Graves
Paul DiPassio & Matt Due
Coady Grant & Chad Beaudrie
Dan Risorto & Frank Perciasepe
Corrado Bartolo & Ross Bartolo
Scott Burns & Mike Graham
Wayne Misselbrook & Rick Stockdale
Daryl Cameron & TJ Lee
Kip Starling & Ashton D'Souza
Rick Campbell & Joe Hill
Matthew Schneider & Peter Worosz
Sandro DiMinco & Joe Nobili
Mark Cavanaugh & Jamie Bradburn
Kevin Hunt & Nicole Knox
James Rancier & Bryan Rancier
Kevin Brown & Calvin Noble
John Delicata & Marco Salati
Pat O’Connor & Bernard Balian
Rick Baumann & Brian VanVolkenburg
Jason Lush & Kyle Merrilees
John McGoey & Tim Mills
Tracy Millson & Rob Wallis
Neil Brown & Jason Brown
Mike Trevett & Ray McCabe
Dave Spence & Scott Martin
Paul Lalande & Chris Dvorak
Terry Lindsay & Scott Letourneau
Greg Ostrowski & Adam Ostrowski
Ron Potter & Jeff Constanzi
Shawn Quinn & Ethan Quinn
Terry Munro & Justin Beckett
Giles Westerhout & Dale Brown
Paul Cobel & Joshua Smith
Mike Boulerice & Dan Ford
Garry Mansholt & Paul Marshman
Dan Jones & Mike Schoeler
Joe Romita & TBA
Timothy Bond & Keith Geniole
Mike Allen & Tom Allen
Ken Strang & Brad Elison
Scott Sampson & Jonathon Mandryk
Pete Garnier & Sean Edward
Richard Verkruisen & Debbie Verkruisen
Jerry Minshull & Joey Crumpton
Jeff Walker & Darren Andrews
Jeff Dunsford & TBA
Greg Arvay & Mike Small
Matthew Branton & Dave Branton
Louie Sinclair & Cory Stillman
Andrew Jamieson & Allen Bolduc
Murray Henderson & Mike Holland
Matt Pezzetta & Jim Pezzetta
Terry Hickey & Jim Bullock
Jody Spagnol & Andrew Ottogalli
Gord Rogers & Ryan Rogers
Paul Jones & TBA
Edward McGarvey & Richard Derry
Bill Landman & Ron Hawkshaw
Ricardo Teixera & Keston Teixera
Ceasar Ruscio & TBA
Richard Junkin & TBA
Arthur Cro & TBA
If you would like to join the waitlist the Canada/US Walleye Tournament
contact CSFL today at 905-640-2277!